Jun 1, 2010


So some of you probably think that I am crazy and it is probably true. Somehow I have gotten into the challenge of not eating sugar for the entire month of June. I will put the blame on Mike Nielsen. It was his idea. He is doing it with me and we are going to go crazy. I only say that because I already think I am. You may ask why since today is June 1st and therefore the first day of this extravagant fast, and you are wondering if I really am that pitiful. Well even though that may be true it is because I started not eating sugar a week and half-ago. I must say that I consider myself a super-human because I somehow survived the weekend at my sugar stuffed cabin. Let me explain, we were there for three days (we = my family + my cousins family + grandma). There were 13 of us total. Well since most of those people are children they need sugar to be happy. That is why we keep an entire drawer full of candy and treats. There were fruit snacks, cookies, candy bars, and so much more that I can't even explain because I will scream. Well since it is a vacation we are sitting around playing games, watching movies and EATING. That means snacking. Well since I couldn't eat any sugar I had to see everyone eating m&ms, licorice, etc. and I was eating some crackers, peanuts and potato chips (all of which are really good, but not in comparison with something sugary). Those were the only three things there that I could snack on. All the other snack food was made with sugar. Anyway, enough of the weekend, I am doing better now and I even was able to "say no" to some ice cream today from the spaghetti factory during company lunch. That means I am still doing great.

So wish me luck on this great adventure in my life and I invite anyone and everyone to join me. It is easier with more people so I would be glad to help you along. To see the rules refer to Mike's blog. The grand ending will be on July 4th when we will be able to stuff our faces!!! But for now, good bye warm chocolate chip cookies, dutch oven peach cobler with vanilla ice cream, and even my usual granola bars I eat almost daily. I will see you in my mouth...I mean... in a month ;)

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