Nov 29, 2010

'Tis the Season... Or is it?

The holidays are upon us and you know what that means: food, sweets, food, and more sweets. Thus far I have been taking advantage of this trend and have been eating my heart out and stuffing down most everything I can get my hands on. This mostly includes pie, and other baked goods. Now, lots of you probably have had hands-on experience with what I just explained, and others are nodding their heads in agreement, nevertheless this is not the main point of this post.

It has been my plan since summer ended to "bulk up" so people would stop telling me that I look so skinny. I don't want to be fat of course but I do want to be bigger. Some of that mindset seeped into my eating habits and I justified eating 'whatever', just as long as I was eating a lot of it, to help me gain weight. That is why I have been eating a lot of crap lately, and neglecting my responsibility to eat healthy foods. I even didn't care that my stomach was getting bigger and my abdominal muscles were going into hibernation, after all, who was going to see them?! (I didn't plan on showing anyone either-- sorry Amber). My plan was to worry about it in the spring and eat healthy then. But today something changed my mind. I was looking at Christmas ecards on a website and as I was browsing I saw one with Chippendales (male dancers I think) and anyway it said underneath: "What does this have to do with Christmas? We don't know, but then again, when are sexy abs not in season?" and so ladies and gentlemen, I was kicked into action. I decided to start eating healthy now and working out more consistently to get those sexy abs that are always in season. Why wait until New Years to make my resolution? I am doing it now, and then maybe by summer I will have more to show off than this past summer. I hope you will all support me because I am sure it will be hard to keep it up in this lazy time of the year, so cheer for me and thanks to all who already help.

Disclaimer: I do not mean to use my body as an object for others enjoyment. I believe being healthy is very important and looking nice is a great way to boost my self confidence. That is all.

Nov 16, 2010

Give a compliment


So today at the institute they had a compliment day. They made grilled cheese sandwiches and had little yellow papers that you could write a compliment and give it to someone. I got a compliment from some girl who I don't know, about how she liked my shirt. That made my day!! I encourage everyone to compliment someone today. It makes you feel so good!

Nov 15, 2010

Life Resolution

So while talking to a dear friend today I realized that it is time that I "take life by the horns." I am sick of waiting for stuff to happen and for things to fall into my lap. My new motto will be "I want it NOW!" Which comes from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, and is from the song that I had in my head all weekend. Although this isn't the best motto to stick with I have decided to tell it to myself (at least until I feel like it is no longer doing good) every time that I feel idle and that I am not being active in my life. My resolution is that I am going to work for what I want. Good idea? I hope so!

"This is your life, are you who you want to be?" - Switchfoot
“Taking shelter in the dead is death itself, and only taking all the risk of life to the fullest extent is living.” - Rabindranath Tagore

Nov 8, 2010

Just so you know

So girls are confusing!!! The end.

But really they are and I think the dating game is so hard and sometimes I just need to take a break because it can be so frightening and frustrating all at the same time. Also, I am not very experienced with the rewards that come from it so I think that only makes it worse because I don't really know what to look forward to!

Hooray for blogging again. This was my attempt to try and get back into things. I will hopefully try to blog a lot more often.
P.S. Rock Band 3 is awesome!